Don’t be cheap, or feminine…

(in relation to the slut-shaming comment below, made by a great blogger btw, I just want to clarify I do not advocate slut-shaming. Shag as many people as you like as often as you want – its natural and all good to me. I’m merely pointing out to this douchebag the hypocrisy of his own slut-shaming comments made in his profile, followed by a cock-shot. As most of us already know, it’s usually what these ignorant douches hate in themselves that they attack in others, which is precisely what I think this guy was doing.)

Racist Homophobe of the Week (possibly of the century)

This one goes out to all those people who think I should approach these racist homophobic gay guys in a softer manner.

As you can see, the reaction is IDENTICAL to the reaction I get when I am more forceful – namely, they react like the absolute ignorant animals they truly are.

This guy uses the same tired old excuses for his internalised homophobia and racism as all the rest: I’m just stating a preference, if you don’t like it block, why don’t you shut the fuck up, etc etc VOMIT VOMIT VOMIT.

Fact: this guy wouldn’t be free to practice his homosexuality without all the femmes and queens he hates in the first place.
Fact: this guy has absolutely no regard for other races, or how his disgusting language affects them.
Fact: This guy, thanks to our crappy society, hates himself for being gay, which is his ONLY motivation for ragging on “femmes” in the first place.
Fact: I am not shaming this guy, because he shames himself with his ignorant language and behaviour.
Fact: If Grindr vetted this sort of language, he would have recevied a clear message that it is unacceptable, and would be forced to change it without this unnecessary process.

The folks at Grindr like to talk a lot of crap these days.

It seems whenever the folks at Grindr are invited to make comment on the race issue, they come out with the same tired old shit:

A statement e-mailed from Grindr acknowledged that users can list race in their preferences, but can be banned for posting material “perceived to incite racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind.”

“We also encourage our users to state what they are looking for as opposed to what they are not looking for,” the e-mail read.

I’ve reported so man offensive profiles, and nothing has ever been done. This has included profiles using the words “chink” and “nigger”.

Furthermore, this whole bullshit about encouraging people to put up what they are looking for rather than what they are not is a joke.

Once again, can I remind everyone that Grindr has told me, in writing, that they dont consider language like NO ASIANS or NO INDIANS to be a problem.

Thanks a-bunch Grindr, you’re setting our community back decades, and it doesn’t matter how many GRINDR FOR EQUALITY websites you create, until you address these issues responsibly, you’re still a major source of the problem.