The folks at Grindr like to talk a lot of crap these days.

It seems whenever the folks at Grindr are invited to make comment on the race issue, they come out with the same tired old shit:

A statement e-mailed from Grindr acknowledged that users can list race in their preferences, but can be banned for posting material “perceived to incite racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind.”

“We also encourage our users to state what they are looking for as opposed to what they are not looking for,” the e-mail read.

I’ve reported so man offensive profiles, and nothing has ever been done. This has included profiles using the words “chink” and “nigger”.

Furthermore, this whole bullshit about encouraging people to put up what they are looking for rather than what they are not is a joke.

Once again, can I remind everyone that Grindr has told me, in writing, that they dont consider language like NO ASIANS or NO INDIANS to be a problem.

Thanks a-bunch Grindr, you’re setting our community back decades, and it doesn’t matter how many GRINDR FOR EQUALITY websites you create, until you address these issues responsibly, you’re still a major source of the problem.


How offensive is it that he’s telling darker skin guys to not message him? If you’re choosing your level of attachment based on someone’s damn lightness/darkness, simply ignore messages you don’t fucking like, but don’t throw out a last word insult. It’s so clear that he’s self-hating.

I see it all the time in the Atlanta gay scene with other black guys. It’s obvious he’s black, but he doesn’t list his profile as black, he could have said he’s mixed, but he is “other” – as if he is anything BUT black. #imnotblacksyndrome

I’m middle eastern. And in my culture there is a lightskin/darkskin complex between us just like the black community, Indian community, and any other ethnic community! But I have moved past from all that and I embrace my tan skin without judging others for how light or dark they are.

But THIS, self hatred and bringing down of others in your own community? I can’t handle this shit. I have a black boyfriend and he’s got some shittious friends who say the same type of things, and I CANNOT stand it.

Oh Grindr… How I love thee…

So long story short… in my bio I say I don’t hook up, and I am only here to chat…
Ugly guy: “lol you’ll change”
Me: “Listen, unlike you, I’m attractive. I’m not being conceited, it’s a fact. So, unlike you, I can be selective about who I have sex with. And since I know that; if I want to be laid I could, I don’t need to do it whenever and wherever. So I don’t mind waiting till I’m in a relationship. But thanks for your input. It’s been swell chatting.
Ugly and fat guy: ” Good luck with that. You’re not very attractive FYI. You’re just young looking. You’ll be ugly in a few years.”
**This is where I really mess with him. YAY :D**
Me: “Actually, there is nothing unattractive about me. I’m funny and quirky and have a great personality. I’m sociable and fun. Plus, I’m sober because I can have fun without it, and I’m confident enough to do so. I have great teeth and eyes and jaw line. Plus I have a six pack.
Me: “You… You on the other hand have probably never been attractive. Sorry about that.”
Me: “At least I work out…”
**Yes, I’m a horrible human being. But not everyone has to be a slut. So he had it coming**

The “ME” guy in this conversation is definitely a fucked up individual. Apart from being way too arrogant (which is a sure sign of deep-seated insecurity, and nothing more) his whole M.O. here seems to be to shame people based on their desire to express themselves sexually (again, nothing more than insecurity here). What a total douchebag.

Looking at Douchebags of


I keep seeing this on people’s profiles: “no asians”.

And I’m just like:

Anyway, I don’t look remotely like an Adonis (I like food to much), so I’m glad I never had a Grindr. I’m too self-conscious.

Dear Grindr: Here’s the PERFECT example of why YOU need to CHANGE!

Here’s a series of screen shots I took just now (in the last 60 seconds). Here you will see in visual detail the perfect example of why Grindr needs to do something about the racist, homophobic bigots that are plaguing its site. I am sick to death of dealing with this crap!

1. Mindless teenaged white Australian idiot using the word “nigs”.

2. Statement by me that the language is offensive.


3. Report offensive profile to Grindr, and request once again to start doing something about this problem (I don’t know, perhaps an auto-flag on racist language, just like they have on swearing???)



4. Standard auto-reply from the hive mind at Grindr.


5. And irony of ironies, the moment the last screen closed, this act of utter hypocrisy pops up in front of my face. Yeah yeah yeah Grindr, you’re all about equality…NOT! 
